why women should lift weights

Get strong: Five reasons why women should lift weights

Why women should lift weights. Walk into any gym today and chances are you will see the majority of girls confined to the cardio area while the guys are in amongst the weights, hitting the bar. Unfortunately there are lots of rumours out there that turn Women off weight training; lifting weights makes women bulky, once you stop lifting, all the muscle will turn to fat, its bad for your joints. This is all nonsense and unfortunately this “Bro science,” is keeping lots of women from experiencing the ridiculous benefits of pumping iron. So girls, if you want to feel strong, flexible and toned, you need to incorporate weight training into your fitness regime.

Here’s the top five reasons why women should lift weights.

1. Burn more calories

When our bodies are trying to recover, build and maintain muscle mass after lifting weights we are using energy (calories)
It takes more energy (calories) for our body to maintain muscle cells than it does to maintain fat cells.
So by adding just a small bit of extra muscle mass you’ll boost your metabolism and turn your body into a more efficient fat burning machine.

2. Injury prevention

When we lift weights not only do our muscles get stronger but so do our bones, tendons, ligaments. We also correct any muscle imbalances we may have. Making us much less susceptible to injuries. It also helps prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia. 

3. You will look curvy not bulky

Adding muscle will will help bring out those curves, however most girls do not produce enough testosterone to really pack on size, So while their male counterparts may bulk up with weights (and a major increase in food intake) girls will tend to shape up the areas they so desire

woman lifting dumbbell

Why women should lift weights.

Why women should lift weights

4. Increases insulin sensitivity

Lifting weights is one of the most effect ways to increase insulin sensitivity, which means your body is more efficient at utilising  carbohydrates for energy and muscle building; as opposed to storing those carbs on your hips.

5. You will feel great

Lifting weights increases endorphins, the feel good hormone. So do a weights session and feel great for the rest of the day.

Why women should lift weights.

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